As reported by The Fort Worth Star-Telegram, sexual assault on airplanes continues to be a steadily growing problem.
In October 2018, a 14-member government task force was created to study sexual misconduct on airplanes after the FBI issued a warning to airlines and to the public at large that the number of sexual assaults reported during commercial airline flights had been increasing “at an alarming rate.”
The Telegram notes that in December 2019 a federal class action lawsuit was filed in Denver on behalf of two Colorado residents alleging that Frontier Airlines failed to have and follow policies and procedures to prevent, report, and respond to sexual assaults of passengers on its flights.
U.S. Army veteran Lena Ramsay and another passenger referred to as Jane Doe in the suit said they were sexually assaulted during separate flights, and that airline employees mishandled their cases.
Paul Hudson, president of Flyers Rights, an organization that represents airline passengers said “the increase in overnight flights, long-distance flights and flight attendants over-serving passengers alcohol increase the likelihood of sexual misconduct in the air.”
He also said the FBI does not prioritize these assaults.
“They’re organized to deal with white-collar, organized crime, terrorism, things of that nature,” he said.
Sexual Assault Incidents on Other Airlines
Lieff Cabraser is investigating multiple allegations of passenger-to-passenger sexual assault on all commercial airlines, not just Frontier. Most disturbingly, many of the incidents include claims that when the incidents are reported to the airlines, airline employees and airline corporate officers do nothing to help, and even work to bury or otherwise suppress reports of the incidents, leaving the victims with little or no recourse.
No one should suffer unwanted sexual advances or any kind of assault, especially not in the restricted and remote space of a passenger aircraft. If you have had this kind of experience, we can help you hold the airlines accountable and change their practices to properly protect their passengers.
Contact a Sexual Abuse Lawyer at Lieff Cabraser
Lieff Cabraser partner Annika K. Martin leads our firm’s cases on behalf of victims who suffered sexual abuse. You can contact Annika by telephone at 800 541-7358 or you can use the confidential form below. There is no charge or obligation for your outreach, and all information will be held in the strictest confidence.
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