The American Antitrust Institute has announced its selection of leading practitioners and economists to be recognized as honorees for the 2024 Antitrust Enforcement Awards. Lieff Cabraser’s team shared the AAI’s award for “Outstanding Antitrust Litigation Achievement in Private Litigation,” the highest recognition an antitrust plaintiff lawyer can receive for a litigation achievement.
This marks the fifth AAI Private Enforcement Award for Lieff Cabraser, earned for their extraordinary work on the McDonald’s “No-poach” Employee Pay Suppression Case. The case challenged restrictive franchise agreements that limited employee mobility and suppressed wages. Their work led to the Seventh Circuit’s recent favorable opinion in the litigation against McDonald’s, a major victory for workers’ rights.
The LCHB team succeeded in vacating the district court’s grant of summary judgment and denial of class certification, and fought off a cert petition in the Supreme Court. The published Seventh Circuit decision, written by Judge Easterbrook and joined by Judge Wood, is the first appellate ruling to set the antitrust liability framework for no-poach agreements. It also clarified and narrowed the primary affirmative defense to collusion claims, marking a pivotal moment in modern antitrust law.
Led by Lieff Cabraser partners Dean M. Harvey, Anne B. Shaver and Jessica Moldovan, the McDonalds “No-Poach” team played a critical role in protecting fast-food workers’ rights and setting a legal precedent for future no-poach litigation.
The award will be presented at the Institute’s gala dinner in Washington, DC on October 30th, following the AAI’s 18th Annual Private Antitrust Enforcement Conference.
Kudos to all!
Learn more about Lieff Cabraser’s Antitrust/No-Poach Cases here.
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