Fertility Clinics Oil Contamination Investigation

California manufacturer Fujifilm Irvine Scientific is accused of supplying contaminated oil to fertility clinics necessary for in vitro fertilization process

Following a spate of complaints from fertility clinics, Santa Ana-based Fujifilm Irvine Scientific recently recalled four production lots of a refined mineral oil used to culture embryos during the process of in vitro fertilization. At least one California couple has alleged that nine of their preserved embryos had been destroyed by the “toxic” oil. Fujifilm is a global supplier of the refined mineral oil.

Fujifilm stated that it performed an investigation after receiving the initial complaints. It claimed that the oil product met specifications in the company’s laboratory, but the investigation detected toxicity in three lots. Fujifilm indicated it would also recall a fourth lot associated with the same batch of raw materials.

Contact a Fertility and Product Defect Lawyer at Lieff Cabraser

If you or a family member have stored eggs or embryos that you believe may have been contaminated by toxic oil or otherwise adversely affected, we urge you to use the form on this page to contact proven fertility products defect lawyer Sarah London at Lieff Cabraser today for a free, no-obligation review of your case.

About Sarah London

Lieff Cabraser partner Sarah London serves in lead roles in women’s health cases, including work as court-appointed Liaison Counsel and Interim Class Counsel in the federal class action filed on behalf of families in May 2018 against San Francisco’s Pacific Fertility Center over the Center’s March 2018 allegedly negligent destruction of hundreds of frozen eggs and embryos as a result of a leak in a cryogenic storage tank. Sarah also served in a leadership role in successful litigation recovering millions of dollars on behalf of women who suffered serious injuries due to complications from allegedly defective trans-vaginal surgical mesh.

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