After 13 years and more than 580 docket entries, the gender discrimination case against Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is moving ever closer to trial. Four women who previously worked for the global investment banking giant accused the company of workplace discrimination and gender bias, with the result of systematically denying women career opportunities they deserved.
Cristina Chen-Oster, an MIT graduate, first filed a complaint against the bank in 2005 with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Five years later in concert with other plaintiffs, she sued the company, seeking to compel Goldman Sachs to change its discriminatory policies and provide recompense for its illegal practices. In March of 2018, the plaintiffs successfully secured class action status for the suit, allowing them to represent more than 2,000 current and former female Goldman Sachs employees. The bank immediately sought to appeal that decision, and a panel of U.S. Court of Appeals judges in New York has now denied that request, allowing the lawsuit to proceed as a class action.
“We are happy to see that the Second Circuit agreed that the class certification order should not be disturbed now and that case can proceed to trial,” stated Lieff Cabraser partner Kelly M. Dermody, who represents the plaintiffs in the case. “We look forward to the next stage of the case as we move forward to seek justice for the class.”
According to Bloomberg, “With its class of thousands of women, the case looms large on Wall Street, where the biggest U.S. banks are all led by men.”
For more detailed information and to contact one of the lawyers representing the women in the case, visit
About the Goldman Sachs Gender Discrimination Lawsuit
Lieff Cabraser serves as Co-Lead Counsel with Outten & Golden for plaintiffs in a gender discrimination class action lawsuit against Goldman Sachs. The complaint alleges that Goldman Sachs has engaged in systemic and pervasive discrimination against its female professional employees in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the New York City Human Rights Law.
The complaint charges that, among other things, Goldman Sachs pays its female professionals less than similarly situated males, disproportionately promotes men over equally or more qualified women, and offers better business opportunities and professional support to its male professionals.
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