On July 25, 2019, Lieff Cabraser partner Rachel Geman led a seminar on “Current Topics in Employment Discrimination Class Actions” for continuing legal education platform Lawline.
Topics included:
- Rule 23 as it relates to timely and relevant issues for employment law practitioners, such as issue classes under (c)(4), the new rules regarding settlements, and the state of the law of former employee standing to bring (b)(2) claims.
- How Wal-Mart Stores, Inc v. Dukes has aged since 2011– Highlighting the way courts have – and have not yet – applied the seminal Dukes holding in discrimination cases
- Recent developments under Rule 23 that may affect employment law–including but not limited to the renewed use of Rule 23 in cases involving assault—and recent developments in employment law that may affect Rule 23 (including the fortification of sexual harassment laws and others).
About Rachel Geman
A partner in Lieff Cabraser’s New York office, Rachel Geman’s practice is dedicated to employment law, consumer protection, and recovering money for the government lost to fraud through False Claims Act litigation. On behalf of her clients, Ms. Geman has filed qui tam suits in multiple courts involving numerous industries that are under investigation, and is presently involved in active litigation involving off-label and kickback claims in the pharmaceutical industry. Her current class action cases involve employment discrimination, consumer civil rights, and consumer protection.
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