We are proud to announce that Law360 has named Lieff Cabraser partner Phong-Chau G. Nguyen a Rising Star in Product Liability Law for 2022 (subscription). Law360’s Rising Stars are attorneys “under 40 whose legal accomplishments belie their age.” After reviewing more than 1,300 submissions, a team of editors selected 176 honorees; Phong is one of only five product liability law practitioners in the U.S. to make the list.

Law360 will publish a short profile of Phong along with the other honorees in the coming weeks.

Congratulations to Phong on this prestigious recognition!

About Phong-Chau Nguyen

Phong-Chau G. Nguyen is a partner in Lieff Cabraser’s San Francisco office specializing in consumer and defective product cases as well as personal injury/mass tort matters. He is part of the leadership team in the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions multidistrict litigation, which secured an unprecedented $14+ billion in settlements on behalf of U.S. owners and lessees of Volkswagen diesel vehicles, and won a finalist position for the 2017 Consumer Attorneys of California “Consumer Attorneys of the Year” award. Phong is involved in similar work on Lieff Cabraser’s leadership team in the Fiat Chrysler diesel emissions case.

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