Lydia Lee
Of Counsel, San Francisco Office
415 956-1000

Lydia Lee is Of Counsel to our firm and has been practicing law for 40 years. She is an experienced and accomplished attorney specializing in corporate governance, pension practices, and fiduciary matters. Born and raised in Oklahoma, Lydia spent 19 years as the general counsel for a multi-billion dollar governmental retirement fund, advising a thirteen-member Board of Trustees and overseeing four different defined benefit and defined contribution plans.
Lydia has published articles on topics including fiduciary best practices and pension plan administration. She is also a member of numerous legal and pension organizations, including the Oklahoma Bar Association, the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems, and the National Association of Public Pension Attorneys, where she has served on the Executive Board and is the former President. In addition, Lydia currently served as an administrative law judge for several Oklahoma state agencies, including the Oklahoma Merit Protection Commission and the Oklahoma Department of Labor.
Lydia has substantial responsibility for client communications. She frequently counsels public funds and other institutional investors with respect to corporate and board governance principles and fiduciary liability issues. She also has a significant role in advising our clients on such issues and is available to serve as governmental liaison to our institutional investor clients.
Long form bio (click to open pdf).