Robert J. Nelson and Naomi Pomeroy Discuss Business Interruption Insurance Claim Denial and Lawsuits on OpenTable’s ‘In it Together’ Webinar Series

As part of their continuing series of conversations on the impact of the Coronavirus on the restaurant industry, OpenTable’s bi-monthly food news webinar series “In it Together” spoke with award-winning chef/owner of Portland’s Beast and Expatriate Naomi Pomeroy and national plaintiffs’ lawyer and Lieff Cabraser partner Robert J. Nelson. Together, the two are helping lead the charge

2021-06-29T23:47:35+00:00August 13th, 2020|Consumer Fraud|

Robert J. Nelson and Naomi Pomeroy Discuss Business Interruption Insurance Claim Denial and Litigation on Heritage Radio Network Snacky Tunes Podcast

As part of their continuing series of conversations on how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the restaurant industry, Heritage Radio Network’s weekly food news podcast “Snacky Tunes” spoke with award-winning chef/owner of Portland’s Beast and Expatriate Naomi Pomeroy and national plaintiffs’ lawyer and Lieff Cabraser partner Robert J. Nelson. Together, the two are helping lead

2020-06-09T09:27:19+00:00June 9th, 2020|Consumer Fraud|