Kelly M. Dermody
Managing Partner, San Francisco Office
415 956-1000

Kelly is Managing Partner of the San Francisco office of Lieff, Cabraser, Heimann & Bernstein, LLP. A Chambers & Partners USA Band-1 rated attorney, Kelly is Immediate Past Chair of the American Bar Association’s Section of Labor and Employment Law, and a member of the ABA’s Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Council. Kelly specializes in civil rights and employment class and collective actions on behalf of plaintiffs, and individual cases addressing sexual abuse, harassment, and trafficking. Kelly is a nationally-recognized advocate in the areas of pay equity, #metoo, and diversity and inclusion. She has prosecuted numerous cases challenging unfair hiring, promotion, compensation, and performance systems.
In October of 2023, Kelly was profiled by Law360 as a “Class Action Law MVP.” Read a copy of the Law360 profile.
The Daily Journal has observed that Kelly’s
values have translated into real workday value for lots of people — people who have won better job opportunities from companies like Abercrombie & Fitch, Home Depot, and Smith Barney, or monetary damages from banks that have engaged in predatory lending and servicing.”
In 2012, Kelly served as President of the Bar Association of San Francisco. She is a member of the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers and the American Law Institute. The Daily Journal has selected Kelly as one of the top 100 attorneys in California, top 75 labor and employment lawyers in California, and top 100 women litigators in California. In 2016, The Recorder awarded her the “Giant Slayer” award for her litigation work. She is a Board member of the Equal Justice Society, a national non-profit focused on transforming the nation’s consciousness on race and racial equity.
Long form bio (click to open pdf).