NorCal WILDFIRE CLAIMS ALERT: October 21st Deadline Fast Approaching for 2017 and 2018 Northern California Wildfire Victims to File Claims Against PG&E

Only three days remain before the October 21st claim filing deadline for victims of wildfires caused by PG&E power lines in 2017 and 2018.  As reported by the Napa Valley Register, a grassroots group of Northern California fire victims held a press conference on the two-year anniversary of the first of the North Bay fires

2019-10-18T12:37:33+00:00October 18th, 2019|Fires & Burn Injuries|

Only 2 Weeks Left for 2017 and 2018 Northern California Wildfire Victims to File Claims Against PG&E

An estimated 70,000 Wildfire Victim Claims Still Unfiled with October 21 Rapidly Deadline Approaching The claim filing deadline for victims of wildfires caused by PG&E power lines in 2017 and 2018 is quickly approaching. As reported by the New York Times, as many as 70,000 victims eligible for compensation may receive nothing if they do

2019-10-07T12:30:15+00:00October 7th, 2019|Fires & Burn Injuries|

October 21 2019 Deadline for Northern California Wildfire Claims Against PG&E

Bankruptcy proceedings force narrow window for Wine Country and Camp wildfire victims to make claims Northern California wildfire victims, including those who suffered injury and losses as a result of the 2017 North Bay and 2018 Camp fires, have only until October 21, 2019 to file proof of claims against PG&E. Formal notice of the

2019-08-21T11:08:07+00:00August 21st, 2019|Fires & Burn Injuries|

Official Facebook Page for Northern California Wildfire Assistance Program Goes Live

Attendant website at also made public The Wildfire Assistance Program has announced the posting of their official Facebook page with updates and information about the program. The Program will provide urgent need funds to certain persons affected by the 2017 and 2018 Wildfires in Northern California.

2019-08-09T14:22:48+00:00August 9th, 2019|Fires & Burn Injuries|

Lieff Cabraser Partner Lexi J. Hazam Appointed Co-Lead Counsel in California Woolsey Fire Cases

On June 21, 2019, Judge William F. Highberger of the Superior Court of California issued a Case Management Order naming Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, LLP partner and Co-Chair of the firm’s Personal Injury practice group Lexi J. Hazam as Co-Lead Counsel for Individual Plaintiffs in the coordinated Woolsey Fire Cases relating to the devastating

2019-06-24T09:06:49+00:00June 24th, 2019|Fires & Burn Injuries, Personal Injury|

Lieff Cabraser Named Co-Lead Counsel for Plaintiffs in Southern California Fire & Mudslides Class Action Lawsuit

On July 10, 2018, Judge Daniel Buckley of the California Superior Court issued an order naming Lieff Cabraser as Co-Lead Counsel for Individual Plaintiffs in the class action lawsuit against Southern California Edison relating to losses suffered by individuals and businesses in the December 2017 wildfires in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties, California, and the

2018-07-26T10:08:43+00:00July 26th, 2018|Fires & Burn Injuries|