Fabrice Vincent Appointed Co-Chair of the Business Torts & Unfair Competition Committee of the ABA Section of Litigation

We are pleased to announce that Lieff Cabraser partner Fabrice N. Vincent has been appointed Co-Chair of the Business Torts & Unfair Competition Committee of the American Bar Association. One of the most active ABA committees, the ABA Section of Business Torts & Unfair Competition is made up of experienced trial lawyers from all over the country whose

2022-06-29T18:48:24+00:00June 29th, 2022|Firm News|

Fabrice Vincent Appointed Co-Chair of the Products Liability Committee of the ABA Section of Litigation

We are pleased to announce that Lieff Cabraser partner Fabrice Vincent has been appointed Co-Chair of the Products Liability Committee of the American Bar Association. The ABA Section of Product Liability features a diverse committee of professionals from many different ages and backgrounds who write and speak on a variety of topics on product liability. The

2019-06-21T14:24:36+00:00June 21st, 2019|Firm News|

Fabrice Vincent Examines Standing Issues in Data Theft Cases

Lieff Cabraser partner Fabrice N. Vincent spoke recently with the American Bar Association (ABA) Section of Litigation about digital privacy and the seemingly unending series of hacker attacks plaguing large companies and data stores across the world. “Your Data Was Stolen But Not Your Identity (Yet),” highlights Vincent’s thoughts on cyberattacks and the challenges inherent

2018-01-25T14:36:13+00:00January 25th, 2018|Digital Privacy & Data Security|