Paulina do Amaral to Speak at Upcoming AAJ 2024 Winter Convention in Austin

Lieff Cabraser partner Paulina do Amaral will be a speaker at the American Association for Justice 2024 Winter Convention, taking place February 10-13, 2024 at the JW Marriot Austin in Austin, Texas. On day three of the convention, Paulina will participate in a panel discussion on “The Opioid Crisis in America: Exploring the Legal Solutions,” featuring the

2024-02-06T20:06:11+00:00February 6th, 2024|Firm News, Prescription Drug Injuries|

Lieff Cabraser Partners Speak at 2023 American Association for Justice Annual Convention

Lieff Cabraser partners Mark Chalos, Paulina do Amaral, and Sarah London were featured as distinguished speakers at the American Association for Justice’s 2023 Convention: Real Justice, Real Results, July 16 at the Philadelphia Convention Center. The AAJ’s annual convention is designed to provide accomplished trial lawyers with the opportunity to come together to discuss the latest developments in trial

2023-07-17T19:26:43+00:00July 17th, 2023|Firm News|

Thirteen Lieff Cabraser Attorneys Recognized as Lawdragon “500 Leading Plaintiff Consumer Lawyers” for 2022

Lawdragon has published its list of the “500 Leading Plaintiff Consumer Lawyers in America” for 2022, an honor roll that includes Lieff Cabraser partners Donald C. Arbitblit, Kenneth S. Byrd, Elizabeth J. Cabraser, Mark P. Chalos, Paulina do Amaral, Steven E. Fineman, Wendy R. Fleishman, Rachel Geman, Lexi J. Hazam, Richard M. Heimann, Sarah R. London, Annika K. Martin, and Robert J. Nelson. The Lawdragon consumer

2022-04-19T22:08:04+00:00April 19th, 2022|Awards, Firm News|

Nine Lieff Cabraser Attorneys Recognized as 2021 Lawdragon “500 Leading Plaintiff Consumer Lawyers”

Lawdragon legal magazine has published its annual list of the “500 Leading Plaintiff Consumer Lawyers in America,” an honor roll that includes Lieff Cabraser partners Donald C. Arbitblit, Kenneth S. Byrd, Elizabeth J. Cabraser, Mark P. Chalos, Paulina do Amaral, Steven E. Fineman, Wendy R. Fleishman, Annika K. Martin, and Robert J. Nelson. The Guide, first published in 2007, offers Lawdragon’s take on

2021-06-08T18:24:40+00:00June 8th, 2021|Awards, Firm News|

Elizabeth Cabraser and Paulina do Amaral Serve as Faculty in Duke University Mass Tort MDL Certificate Program

On Monday, November 9, 2020, Lieff Cabraser partners Elizabeth Cabraser and Paulina do Amaral served as featured faculty in Duke Law School’s Mass-Tort MDL Certificate Program. Other faculty included Duke Law professors, experienced MDL judges, and lawyers who have either served as preeminent mass-tort lead counsel or chaired specific-task MDL committees. The program is designed for both plaintiff

2020-11-11T16:23:27+00:00November 11th, 2020|Firm News|

Paulina do Amaral to Speak at “Law Seminars International’s 16th Annual Conference on Litigating Class Actions”

Lieff Cabraser partner Paulina do Amaral will speak at Law Seminar’s 16th Annual “Litigating Class Actions” conference, which will be broadcast on November 12-13, 2020. Paulina will discuss how class actions played a role in the path to recovery of damages resulting from the opioid crisis, as well as reviewing a case study on the

2020-11-11T15:23:47+00:00November 11th, 2020|Firm News|

Elizabeth Cabraser, Paulina do Amaral, and Annika K. Martin to Serve as Faculty in Upcoming March 2020 Duke University Mass Tort MDL Certificate Program

The Duke Law School Bolch Judicial Institute is holding its intensive 3-day mass-tort MDL instructional program beginning, Wednesday, March 11-13, 2020. Faculty will include two Duke Law professors, six experienced MDL judges, and 25 lawyers who have either served as preeminent mass-tort lead counsel or chaired specific-task MDL committees. The program is designed for both plaintiff and

2020-02-27T14:52:57+00:00February 27th, 2020|Firm News|

Elizabeth Cabraser, Paulina do Amaral, and Annika K. Martin to Serve as Faculty in March 2020 Duke University Mass Tort MDL Certificate Program

The Duke Law School Bolch Judicial Institute is holding an intensive 3-day mass-tort MDL instructional program from March 11-13, 2020. Faculty will include two Duke Law professors, six experienced MDL judges, and 25 lawyers who have either served as preeminent mass-tort lead counsel or chaired specific-task MDL committees. The program is designed for both plaintiff and defense

2020-01-10T12:56:56+00:00January 10th, 2020|Firm News|

Eight Lieff Cabraser Attorneys Recognized as 2019 Lawdragon “500 Leading Plaintiff Consumer Lawyers”

Lawdragon legal magazine has published its annual listing of the “500 Leading Plaintiff Consumer Lawyers in America,” a listing that includes Lieff Cabraser partners Elizabeth Cabraser, Mark Chalos, Paulina do Amaral, Steven Fineman, Rachel Geman, Lexi Hazam, Richard Heimann, and Annika K. Martin. The Guide, first published in 2007, offers Lawdragon’s take on “the best

2022-08-10T17:29:43+00:00July 19th, 2019|Awards, Firm News|