College Baseball Players Claims Can Move Forward in Sex Bias Suit Against USF

As reported in Law360, plaintiffs represented by Lieff Cabraser and co-counsel have defeated the University of San Francisco’s attempts to get ex-college baseball players’ claims thrown out of the federal class action lawsuit alleging USF coaches Anthony Giarratano and Troy Nakamura created an intolerable sexualized environment for the team over the course of 22 years, and

2023-02-28T18:15:27+00:00January 6th, 2023|Sexual Abuse|

Annika K. Martin Talks to Agenda About the Impact of #MeToo on Corporate Culture

Lieff Cabraser partner Annika K. Martin spoke recently with web based business resource platform Agenda about the rise of the #MeToo movement in corporate culture and how #MeToo has driven corporations to change how they handle misconduct. Rather than buying off accusers, as was once common, those in charge are instead imposing strong ethical standards

2020-03-20T12:18:53+00:00March 20th, 2020|Employment Law, Sexual Abuse|