Edward Baker and Emily Harwell to Moderate FBA Qui Tam Section Panel on “The FCA and The Protection of Tribal Funds”

On Wednesday, November 20, 2024, Lieff Cabraser attorneys Edward Baker and Emily Harwell will co-moderate a virtual roundtable discussion hosted by the Federal Bar Association’s Qui Tam Section on “The False Claims Act and the Protection of Tribal Funds.”

2024-10-16T18:04:46+00:00October 16th, 2024|Firm News, Native American Cases, Whistleblower Law|

Lieff Cabraser, U.S. Attorney for Middle Tennessee, & The Anti-Fraud Coalition hold roundtable discussion in Nashville about Whistleblower law

(l-r) Lieff Cabraser attorney Edward Baker, U.S. Attorney for Middle Tennessee Henry Leventis, USAO Deputy Chief Kathryn Booth, and USAO Deputy Chief Ellen Bowden McIntyre met for a roundtable discussion with The Anti-Fraud (TAF) Coalition in Nashville about Whistleblower law. The Anti-Fraud (TAF) Coalition, a national, public interest organization that defends and empowers whistleblowers who

2024-02-13T23:59:03+00:00February 13th, 2024|Firm News, Public Good|

Courageous Lieff Cabraser Client Kirstin Rogers Speaks on Whistleblower Perspectives at TAF Coalition Conference

Lieff Cabraser client Kirstin Rogers spoke about whistleblower perspectives in cases where fraud is perpetrated against the government at this year’s TAF Coalition “The Anti-Fraud Coalition” conference in Washington D.C. The in-person event provided a three-day “deep dive” into the latest developments of False Claims Act/Whistleblower Law practice and other programs and strategies to advance

2023-10-20T21:43:45+00:00October 20th, 2023|Whistleblower Law|

Edward Baker to Discuss the Impact of the False Claims Act on Coders and Other Healthcare Professionals at Upcoming AAPC Virtual Conference

Lieff Cabraser attorney Edward Baker will be a featured speaker at the American Association of Professional Coders 3rd Annual Collaborative Compliance Conference, August 29–30, 2023, where he will discuss “How the False Claims Act Impacts Coders and Other Healthcare Professionals.”

2023-08-22T16:26:49+00:00August 22nd, 2023|Firm News|

The Critical and Well-Compensated Role of Whistleblowers in Exposing Injustice

Upholding Accountability and Safeguarding Public Interest Whistleblowers have long been unsung heroes in the fight against corruption, injustice, and wrongdoing. A recent Delray Beach case related to contaminated water systems in Florida illustrates the essential role whistleblowers play in upholding the public’s right to safety and transparency, and the courage required to stand up against

2023-04-10T18:47:08+00:00April 10th, 2023|Whistleblower Law|

U.S. Attorney Announces $12.9 Million Settlement With New York City Health Services Provider The Door For Submitting Fraudulent Cost Reports

Complaint in the case alleged The Door falsely inflated the number of visits to its facility on cost reports in order to fraudulently receive additional undeserved reimbursement money from the Indigent Care Pool In a press release issued today, the U.S. Attorney’s office has announced that the United States filed and settled a civil fraud

2022-02-03T23:31:39+00:00February 3rd, 2022|Whistleblower Law|

AbbVie Agrees to $24 Million Settlement with California Department of Insurance and Whistleblower Over Humira Marketing Fraud

Lawsuit alleged AbbVie pharmaceutical company committed fraud in promotion of blockbuster prescription drug Humira The California Department of Insurance has announced a settlement agreement with AbbVie Inc. to resolve a lawsuit alleging the pharmaceutical giant violated the California Insurance Frauds Prevention Act (Act) by providing kickbacks to healthcare providers throughout California relating to the sale of its

2020-09-21T15:37:09+00:00September 21st, 2020|Whistleblower Law|

AbbVie Medical Fraud Lawsuit Highlights Growing Nationwide Concern With Big Pharma Paying Doctors to Get New Customers

As reported by USA Today, there is a growing concern across the U.S. over the apparent surge in dangerous and highly expensive medications being pushed on the public by drug manufactures whose main concern is not turning a new corner in patient health but rather turning over millions in profits.

2019-08-13T14:54:56+00:00August 13th, 2019|Whistleblower Law|

Plaintiffs Get AbbVie Medical Fraud Case Remanded to State Court

On September 18, 2018, Lieff Cabraser and California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones sued AbbVie, Inc. for violations of the Insurance Frauds Prevention Act (“IFPA”) by providing kickbacks to healthcare providers throughout California relating to sale of the immunosuppressive drug Humira. Defendant AbbVie removed the case to federal court, arguing that the State of California should

2019-08-12T11:48:51+00:00August 12th, 2019|Whistleblower Law|