Plaintiffs’ Co-Lead Counsel Announce Four Major Settlements with Juul Labs, Inc. Addressing U.S. Youth E-Cigarette Usage

The four settlements with Juul Labs announced today resolve the personal injury, consumer class action, government entity, and tribal harm cases brought in the national MDL and the JCCP in CaliforniaCo-Lead Counsel for Plaintiffs in the federal multidistrict litigation captioned In re: Juul Labs, Inc., Marketing, Sales Practices and Products Liability Litigation, MDL No. 2913,

2022-12-07T01:43:14+00:00December 7th, 2022|Personal Injury|

Mark Chalos Talks to Education Week About the Role School Districts Will Play in Fraud and Injury Litigation Against JUUL

Lieff Cabraser partner Mark P. Chalos spoke recently with Education Week for the article “School Districts Are Suing JUUL Over Youth Vaping. Do They Stand a Chance?” on the role districts will play in the huge wave of litigation against e-cigarette manufacturer, Juul. For their part, school districts seek to recover the costs of smoking

2020-02-28T12:34:13+00:00February 28th, 2020|Firm News, Personal Injury|

Lieff Cabraser Files Multiple Teen Injury Lawsuits Against JUUL Over Stroke, Lung Collapse, and Seizure Related to E-Cigarette Use

Three new separate Juul lawsuits filed in California state court advance claims for injuries, design defects, strict products liability, negligence, fraudulent concealment, among other claims September 30, 2019—(SAN FRANCISCO)—The national plaintiffs’ law firm of Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, LLP announces the filing of three separate injury and fraud lawsuits on behalf of teenagers from

2019-09-30T09:21:34+00:00September 30th, 2019|Personal Injury|

Juul and Other ‘Daredevil’ Startups Break Rules and Play With Fire

New article in Medium highlights Juul Stroke Injury lawsuit and includes commentary from Lieff Cabraser partner Sarah London A new piece published in Marker, Medium’s business publication takes aim at ‘lawless’ startups, so-called “Daredevil Unicorns” worth a billion dollars or more, such as Uber, Airbnb, and Juul, who stand out for their unabashed readiness to

2019-09-18T15:07:19+00:00September 18th, 2019|Firm News, Personal Injury|

FDA Issues Official Warning to JUUL Labs Over Illegal Marketing Practices

Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration transmitted an official warning letter to JUUL Labs Inc. alleging violations of federal regulations by JUUL for marketing its e-cigarettes as a safe alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes without approval from the FDA. The letter expressed serious governmental concerns and requested additional specific information from JUUL about its

2019-09-09T15:55:47+00:00September 9th, 2019|Personal Injury|

Lieff Cabraser Files Lawsuit on Behalf of Teen Who Suffered Massive Stroke From Juul Vaped Tobacco Products

Lieff Cabraser has filed a lawsuit against Juul Labs in California Superior Court on behalf of Maxwell Berger, a 22-year-old who suffered a massive hemorrhagic stroke in July 2017 after becoming addicted to the company’s vaped tobacco products as a teenager. As a result of the stroke, Berger stayed over 100 days in the hospital

2019-07-19T14:10:59+00:00July 19th, 2019|Personal Injury|