Thirteen Lieff Cabraser Attorneys Recognized as Lawdragon “500 Leading Plaintiff Consumer Lawyers” for 2022

Lawdragon has published its list of the “500 Leading Plaintiff Consumer Lawyers in America” for 2022, an honor roll that includes Lieff Cabraser partners Donald C. Arbitblit, Kenneth S. Byrd, Elizabeth J. Cabraser, Mark P. Chalos, Paulina do Amaral, Steven E. Fineman, Wendy R. Fleishman, Rachel Geman, Lexi J. Hazam, Richard M. Heimann, Sarah R. London, Annika K. Martin, and Robert J. Nelson. The Lawdragon consumer

2022-04-19T22:08:04+00:00April 19th, 2022|Awards, Firm News|

Daily Journal Names Elizabeth Cabraser and Richard Heimann “2021 Top Plaintiffs Lawyers”

The Daily Journal (subscription) has named Lieff Cabraser partners Elizabeth Cabraser and Richard Heimann to its annual listing of “Top Plaintiff Lawyers in California.” Elizabeth was recognized for her pioneering work in personal injury and environmental law, while Richard was acclaimed for his pivotal role as supervisor of Lieff Cabraser’s securities and financial fraud practice.

2022-08-10T17:10:08+00:00June 10th, 2021|Awards, Firm News|

Six Lieff Cabraser Attorneys Recognized as 2021 Lawdragon 500 Leading Lawyers

Lawdragon legal magazine has published its annual listing of the 500 “Leading Lawyers in America,” a list that includes Lieff Cabraser partners, Kelly M. Dermody, Eric B. Fastiff, Steven E. Fineman, Wendy R. Fleishman, Annika K. Martin, and Robert J. Nelson. Lawdragon also selected Lieff Cabraser partner Elizabeth Cabraser to be inducted into its Lawdragon

2022-08-10T17:25:39+00:00January 27th, 2021|Awards, Firm News|

National Law Journal Names Richard M. Heimann and Annika K. Martin 2020 “Litigation Trailblazers”

The National Law Journal (subscription) has named its 2020 Litigation Trailblazers, a list that includes Lieff Cabraser partners Richard M. Heimann and Annika K. Martin. The award recognizes 35 lawyers who “have taken extra measures to contribute to positive outcomes, and who are truly agents of change.”

2020-11-04T13:01:05+00:00November 4th, 2020|Awards, Firm News|

Seven Lieff Cabraser Attorneys Recognized as 2020 Lawdragon 500 Leading Lawyers

Lawdragon legal magazine has published its annual listing of the 500 “Leading Lawyers in America,” a list that includes Lieff Cabraser partners Elizabeth J. Cabraser, Kelly M. Dermody, Eric B. Fastiff, Steven E. Fineman, Wendy R. Fleishman, Annika K. Martin, and Robert J. Nelson. Lawdragon also selected Lieff Cabraser partner Richard Heimann to be inducted

2022-08-10T17:23:33+00:00March 27th, 2020|Awards, Firm News|

Eight Lieff Cabraser Attorneys Recognized as 2019 Lawdragon “500 Leading Plaintiff Consumer Lawyers”

Lawdragon legal magazine has published its annual listing of the “500 Leading Plaintiff Consumer Lawyers in America,” a listing that includes Lieff Cabraser partners Elizabeth Cabraser, Mark Chalos, Paulina do Amaral, Steven Fineman, Rachel Geman, Lexi Hazam, Richard Heimann, and Annika K. Martin. The Guide, first published in 2007, offers Lawdragon’s take on “the best

2022-08-10T17:29:43+00:00July 19th, 2019|Awards, Firm News|

Four Lieff Cabraser Attorneys Recognized as 2019 Lawdragon 500 Leading Lawyers

Lawdragon legal magazine  has published its annual listing of the 500 “Leading Lawyers in America,” which includes Lieff Cabraser partners Elizabeth J. Cabraser, Kelly M. Dermody, Eric Fastiff, and Richard Heimann. Selected from a combination of editorial research by Lawdragon staff, law firm submissions, and other online nominations, the Lawdragon 500 Leading Lawyers list is a mark of distinction in the legal profession

2019-02-26T13:20:32+00:00February 26th, 2019|Awards, Firm News|

National Law Journal Recognizes Lieff Cabraser Attorneys as 2018 Litigation Trailblazers

The National Law Journal (subscription) has named its 2018 Litigation Trailblazers, a list that includes Lieff Cabraser partners Richard M. Heimann and Kelly M. Dermody. Heimann and Dermody are featured in the NLJ’s 2018 Litigation Trailblazers special edition, which discusses their “pioneer spirit,” past successes, and ongoing case work.

2018-08-01T14:32:25+00:00August 1st, 2018|Awards, Firm News|

Lieff Cabraser Receives Multiple 2018 Litigation Award Nominations From Benchmark Litigation

Benchmark Litigation, self-described as “the definitive guide to litigation firms and attorneys in the United States,” has announced the shortlists for its state and national 2018 litigation awards. Lieff Cabraser was nominated as Plaintiff Firm of the Year for 2018, in addition to receiving a best state firm nod for California.

2018-01-04T10:40:56+00:00January 4th, 2018|Awards, Firm News|